
GoalPlanning NewYearGoals_0006

Tis the Season to start Goal Planning! Although I am not a fan of Winter, I have to say…I just love January. The feeling of a New Year, new goals, creative organization, and simply getting a whole new start to make a difference in our life. Yeah..we could do this any time of the year, […]

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How to Easily Set & Achieve Your Goals with a Printable Goal Planner

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Tis the Season to start Goal Planning! Although I am not a fan of Winter, I have to say…I just love January. The feeling of a New Year, new goals, creative organization, and simply getting a whole new start to make a difference in our life.

Yeah..we could do this any time of the year, but we value that ‘1st of the Year’ so much and I can appreciate that. So, with that… I thought I would share with my best way to start using a printable goal planner for the New Year.

printable goal planner

As you may know, I have my fun printable and digital planners in my SHOP HERE, that can either be printed and placed into a binder or uploaded to an iPad to use digitally.

Currently, I am all about paper planning and have organized my printable planner into quarters. I use my FREE Printable Binder Tabs HERE to help organize each section within.

I’m sharing with you how to organize, plan and achieve your business and personal goals with a printable goal planner


I like to call these my ‘Big Dreams’. These are the ones you want to get crazy with and really think big! I recommend dating your page too, so you can reference later and get the chance to look back and see what you dreamed of or accomplished. I recommend doing both business and personal, as we want to make sure we set goals that are just for fun ;)

printable goal planner


Once I’m done with my big dream goals I dive into simply everything I want to accomplish at some point in the future. You can even print out a couple of these, one for business and one for personal. They can include new products, services, etc or even places to travel, fitness, etc.

Once you’ve written all of those goals down, you can then divide them up into your priority lists (or by quarter). This helps you decide what you should start to focus on as we go into the year.

printable goal planner


Now that you have organized your goals by ‘priority’ you can dive in even deeper with your Quarterly Goals. With these, go ahead and re-write some of the goals you are wanting to achieve in this quarter first. Once you’re done, go ahead and choose a couple ‘focus goals’ or simply one main goal that you for sure want to accomplish in this quarter.

I also highly recommend that you write down some small changes you will work on in the quarter, like your daily habits. Ex: Spend the 1st hour of the day doing yoga and reading. At the end of the quarter you can look back and write in what you can celebrate (for completing) and even jot down things you need to work on for the next quarter.

printable goal plannerprintable goal planner


These are the fun ones! Now that you’ve listed your future goals and divided into quarterly goals, it’s time to nail down and start goal planning for specific goals…called Focus Goals. These I will break down first into each month or even each project. Sometimes I need a full quarterly and focus goal sheet dedicated to big business projects ;)

printable goal planner

This page should list out how you plan to stay accountable (aka: make your husband check in weekly to make sure you are working on it). It should also include the goal description, the start & finish dates, the purpose or your motivation to finish it, and even some challenges you will come across..typically ‘time’ is a culprit here.

printable goal plannerprintable goal planner

From there you can list out some main steps to achieve it, notes to take while working on it..and of course, listing how you will CELEBRATE that goal once you finish!

Each of the steps and pages I use (found in my COMPLETE Planner Bundle Here) simply help you not only set your goals, but narrow them down by priority, motivation, and steps. Which seriously will help you start to achieve your goals!


The goal planner even includes a Habit Tracker too, so if there are any habits you want to work on, you have a 21-day tracker to get you through!

printable goal planner


printable goal planner

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