
Hi friends, thought I would let you know that I’m sharing my newest desktop wallpaper designs over at Lark and Linen today! For obvious reasons I thought it would make the most sense to keep it simple with the word Thankful. So,  I got out my watercolors and pencil and created a few options for […]

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Thankful :: Desktop Wallpaper

Tutorials & Freebies

Hi friends, thought I would let you know that I’m sharing my newest desktop wallpaper designs over at Lark and Linen today! For obvious reasons I thought it would make the most sense to keep it simple with the word Thankful. So,  I got out my watercolors and pencil and created a few options for you below!

larklinen-nov-2 larklinen-nov-3

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  1. Corina Nika says:

    How beautiful! I downloaded the blue one :)

  2. Yolonda Washington says:

    Gorgeous! I’m adding to my desktop NOW.