
Template Showcase BLOG 1

Let’s be honest, I don’t think I could have asked for a more gorgeous transformation with this wedding stationery website template design! It’s delicate, creative, welcoming, romantic, and simply beautiful. Am I right?!   Rima has honestly been the most supportive customer I think I’ve had yet, from my printable planners, my guides, to now taking […]

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Website Template Showcase : Marami Wedding Stationery

Template Showcase

Let’s be honest, I don’t think I could have asked for a more gorgeous transformation with this wedding stationery website template design! It’s delicate, creative, welcoming, romantic, and simply beautiful. Am I right?!   Rima has honestly been the most supportive customer I think I’ve had yet, from my printable planners, my guides, to now taking the Willow template and making it her own.  It makes me so giddy and couldn’t thank her enough!

Wedding stationery website template design


I was torn between Olive and Willow. I chose Willow because I felt it had an air of “glamour VOGUE-esque authority” if that makes sense. Not only that but every little detail has been thought of on my behalf!

Another major decisive factor for me was that the template is literally complete down to the very usually unthought of 404 error page!

Wedding stationery website template design Wedding stationery website template design Wedding stationery website template design


I never used a template for any of my websites before, all were custom made from scratch. But after this experience, I don’t think I’ll bother creating a website from scratch again…

Willow and Showit gave me total freedom over customization and both Angela and the Showit team were very helpful.

I personally found it easy to customize, especially if you already had your website copy and pictures ready. You might find it a bit overwhelming if you didn’t have the content that you would like to put out there.
The first thing I did before even opening the Showit app, was to take screenshot of every page section of Willow, print it, cut it out and glue each cut out to a page in an A3 sketchbook and then write my own content next to each screenshot along with what picture I wanted to use for that section. So basically I customized the template on paper first and then moved to the screen. This was life changing and I was able to get the website published in about a week.
Showit is easy to use and their team is super helpful. Angela was also very helpful and resourceful. 
After my pleasant experience with Willow and the whole thing, I bought the Olive template for another project and can’t wait to customize it as well :)



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