
This post is well overdue, but our lil guy just turned 4 months old! And friends, I had no idea how much work a puppy would be. As I type this he is sitting on my lap napping, so as much annoyance or frustration he causes me…I simply love him. If you didn’t read my […]

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Curry The Mini Doxie – An Update

curry the mini doxie

This post is well overdue, but our lil guy just turned 4 months old! And friends, I had no idea how much work a puppy would be. As I type this he is sitting on my lap napping, so as much annoyance or frustration he causes me…I simply love him.

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If you didn’t read my first post HERE I have always been a fan of mini dachshunds, and have always, always wanted one. And to be honest, it’s been very hard to choose a few photos out of the hundreds I probably have ;) I’ll try to keep it limited and choose my favorite, but feel free to check out his own little insta HERE !

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–   He chews constantly, on EVERYTHING  –

IMG_0032–  He naps quite often, which I love  –


What We’ve Learned in 2 months!

  • That first post was written after only having him 3 days.  We have progressed significantly, which some days I don’t realize, but looking back I can’t believe how far he has come.
  • Get a good vet! Ours is literally down the street and is so great. He knew we were new pup parents and really put us at ease. We let him know we work from home and wanted to crate train him at night.  The first thing he said is to go buy earplugs, a good fan, and even white noise, because from that point forward we need to pop him in his crate at night and then go to bed.  Let him cry, yelp, whine until he falls asleep…and now he rarely even whimpers.
  • BIG TIP: Limit the space when potty training. We realized this about a month in that we gave him way too much space and not enough pee area (we had to put down 4 pee pads). So we only gave him access to the dining room/kitchen (all wood floors) and would work out there so we could constantly keep an eye on him when he had to pee.
  • We have been getting up once (around 5am) to take him to pee, but just recently started keeping his crate door open a tad and a pee pad next to it so he can just walk out and pee.
  • Now that its nice out we are finally able to start taking him outside to go potty…since he can’t figure out to go poop on the pad! It’s another process
  • His whining: It’s gotten a bit better when we walk away or don’t pay attention to him. But now that he isn’t having pee mistakes on the floor he is able to have access to the house (in turn, follows us everywhere).
  • Limit his toys: He has a rubber toy, a soft toy, and a kong (which we lost) and now use deer antlers for him to chew on.  I think this helps him understand what his toys are so he doesn’t chew on everything. Well, he still chews.
  • Food/Treats: Do be cheap! We try to get healthy treats and actually put in pumpkin puree, coconut oil, broccoli, and sometimes peanut butter in his food. Partially because he’s not a big eater and he needs to eat, but also because because they are natural add-ons.
  • He found his voice and we are working on when not to bark (it’s tough and annoying ;)



What he loves

  • He’s a big fan of broccoli and likes to grab a mouthful of food and then run to the living room to eat it (we’ll take it, as long as he eats)!
  • Loves his belly rubs, and will just roll over when he sees us coming, see HERE!
  • With that we taught him how to sit, shake, chill (roll) which he tends to group together (here)
  • He loves us (and why wouldn’t he) but gives some great puppy kisses see HERE.
  • He’s a big fan of the sun..and on sunny days I’m able to get more work done because he can just chill in the himself!
  • He loves to play and if we are near him he tries to get us to play with him, see here





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  1. Yolonda Washington says:

    He’s such a cutie. The puppy years are the hardest. But it is always work, I’ve had I jack Russell for 11 years. I tip on how to stop the barking or separation and Zaidi is to use the empty water bottle and fill it with 20 to 25 pennys shake it one time and say “quiet”. Do this consistently and slowly remove the penny’s. Then you be able to just stay quiet and he listens, i.e. he oblige