
Good morning friends, I just wanted to show you a sneak peek of the blog brand board I put together for Vicky over at Bikinis and Passports! I am having so much fun working with her cannot wait for the final product! We have some tweaks to the board below, but I wanted to give a preview. Check […]

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Blog Makeover: Bikinis & Passports

Website Design

Good morning friends, I just wanted to show you a sneak peek of the blog brand board I put together for Vicky over at Bikinis and Passports! I am having so much fun working with her cannot wait for the final product! We have some tweaks to the board below, but I wanted to give a preview. Check out Vicky’s blog and her beautiful style and stay tuned!

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  1. Karina Pinzon says:

    How did you make such a lovely graphic? I’d love to learn how to make things like this!