
Hi friends, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and ‘exciting’ Superbowl (ha!). As you know I rarely ever post about food, fitness, and all that jazz..but today is different, I’m getting real with you. Although I workout every day and understand it’s especially good for someone who sits on their ass all day […]

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Getting it together :: My Meal Planning

Health & Fitness

Hi friends, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and ‘exciting’ Superbowl (ha!). As you know I rarely ever post about food, fitness, and all that jazz..but today is different, I’m getting real with you. Although I workout every day and understand it’s especially good for someone who sits on their ass all day working..I hate it. I thought after doing it for over 2 years I would get used to it and enjoy it, but I don’t and try to change it up (aka, body pump, p90x, p90x2, etc) to keep me motivated. I do think part of the reason is that I work and workout from home, making it difficult to keep myself motivated. Well, I just purchased the new p90x3 and being that it’s the new year I thought I would also attempt an actual ‘meal plan‘ and try to stick to it.


— P.S. I just updated a meal planner along with a Meal log and fitness templates HERE

Now, I don’t have some super exciting fitness story, I just never worked out and was so frugal/broke that I would only eat ramen, PB & J, frozen chicken breasts, tuna sandwiches, and bananas. So, no I was never overweight, I was just not healthy or in shape at all!  I’ve always lacked a curvy feminine figure (aka breasts + booty). My only real trouble area (like almost every woman I know) is the waist/hips, and considering I’m small on top and bottom, my ‘box-like’ figure isn’t helping much (blaming my dad and his genes for that one)!  Long story short, the main reason why I really wanted to start working out was to get a better butt, bigger legs, and a flat stomach/sides. Not just so I can feel better about my body and have a healthy lifestyle..but really because I just want to fit into some jeans! I tend to make fun of my ‘boyish figure’…and ladies, that makes jeans shopping a chore!


With all that beings said, those programs really have helped. I’m squatting/lifting/curling more than I ever thought I could, which is really helping out butt/legs and even if others don’t see a difference I actually do. I mean, I’m no beyonce or JLo, but that’s just motivation. As for that flat stomach and abs, doing 4 days a week of ab ripper is probably working..but as we all know “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym” or whatever is says. So, to FINALLY conclude, I made a free downloadable Meal Planning PDF for you to have, as well as some ideas of meals that may work for you that I like, you can follow my pinterest board too!. Because, dammit I want those abs and butt by my wedding and I have over a year to do it! (As for the upper region..I’ll just stick with my Vicky Secrets)

I’m not sure yet if I’m okay with posting any photos of my progress, I’m beyond camera shy so I’ll just have to keep you posted!


I worked hard for where I am at and figured since you’ve invested in reading this post and are, most likely, focused on improving your diet/health, I thought I would update you on my progress! eek! (*see note above about being camera shy)


*Disclaimer*  I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietician.  I am just a girl trying to make healthy lifestyle choices!  The information I share is based on my own experiences and is true to the best of my knowledge, but that there may be omissions, errors or mistakes.  Any of the fitness or nutrition posts on are for information purposes only and not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.

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  1. Liz says:

    Ooh. Your weekly calendar printables are just what I need!

    Ps; I make those grilled chicken bowls too; aren’t they amazing?!

  2. Laura Rieckmann says:

    Hi Angela! I love the meal planning guides! I’m a health coach just starting out and am always looking for new clients to practice coaching on…if you ever are interested let me know :) I’m also working toward getting in shape for my June wedding. Sounds like you are off to a great start and actually are pretty motivated! :)

  3. Cara-Mia says:

    This is by far my favorite looking meal planner! Saving this onto my desktop. I’m big on planning. :)

  4. Angel Y. says:

    I hope to get into meal planning some day. I’m usually really good with eating well, but it’s the consistent workouts on a busy schedule and frequent injuries that gets me off the wagon. I feel like I’ve been sick/injured for most of the year. I haven’t tried P90X3 yet but I’m glad to hear such great reviews! Maybe as soon as my ankle feels better, I can get back into lifting. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yolonda says:

    I need to join you n the meal plan. I have been doing Insanity and have seen results. But if I change my diet, I’m sure the progress would be that much better.

  6. emma says:

    This is such good timing! I started meal planning this week and need a lovely template! I also need to change my diet so thank you for the meal tips! I loved reading about your progress :) Downloading now.

  7. […] and thought I’d share with the rest of you.  It’s a simple break down, provided by Angela of Saffron Avenue, that is easy to download, print and place on the refrigerator.  Once it’s in your face, you […]