I was listening to a song this morning which inspired me to do this post, and no it was the Kenny Chesney song..I forgot which one it was. With that being said I dedicated this to my small town Chetek, Wisconsin. With roughly 2,200 residents it is mostly known for the Chain of Six Lakes…which means the population almost triples during the summer. But of course during the freeeezing winter months you could drive down 2nd street (the main street) and not see a single car…granted it takes like 2 minutes to drive through, but still. I currently live in an city with around 110,000+ people and I basically have the ocean in my backyard..but I will always remember my little hometown! So for all of you who also come from a small town and those who grew up in chetek this is for you! enjoy! {sorry if my grammar is off in it} And I believe Chetek gained a Subway since I left.
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