
Okay, so how do I start…this little weekend away in Wisconsin Dells was the absolute best. From wine and cheese, a steaming heated outdoor pool (in 20-degree weather), a three-level room with huge king beds, an hour-long massage, to mimosa’s and face masks..what more could I ask for.  All I know is that I highly recommend you get your best […]

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A Girls Spa Weekend – Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells


Okay, so how do I start…this little weekend away in Wisconsin Dells was the absolute best. From wine and cheese, a steaming heated outdoor pool (in 20-degree weather), a three-level room with huge king beds, an hour-long massage, to mimosa’s and face masks..what more could I ask for.  All I know is that I highly recommend you get your best girlfriends together ASAP to book yourself a girls spa weekend, you won’t regret it (trust me). And for those lucky ones who are here in Wisconsin, Sundara Spa is where it’s at :)

With that being said, it was my friends Birthday and we thought it would be fun to do this little getaway to Wisconsin Dells (only 45 minutes away) to catch up, relax, and simply enjoy a weekend away. Enter: Sundara Spa. You might think Sundara is a romantic getaway (which it definitely is), but it’s expanding, even more, to also provide a relaxing retreat for girlfriends, you can see the expansion details HERE.

Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin DellsGirls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells

So, with that, I took full advantage of our little spa-cation getaway and planned a fun and relaxing weekend for the three of us.  First up: We all got the best hour-long massage (my girl was legit) and then before hitting the pool at night we put together a little charcuterie spread and enjoyed some sweet rosé. And because I’m that crazy person who loves to make things more interesting I put together a bunch of ‘ice-breaker’ style questions for us to go through. It was a mix of personal questions, would-you-rather, and just silly things to laugh and chat about.



Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin DellsGirls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells

Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells

Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells

The next morning we all went down to breakfast and while they were finishing up I went back to the room and put together a little BeautyCounter facial station in our room. We enjoyed mimosas, sat out in on the patio (the sun was warm enough ;), and enjoyed a bit of R&R before heading down to do the Purifying Bath Ritual and the infinity pool. It was by far one of the most relaxing days I’ve had in a long time. We didn’t have any plans, places to be, or things to do…we just had time to simply relax.

Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells

Because we rarely get to all be together we made sure to get dressed up and go out for a nice dinner and have a few drinks at couple local places. We may or may not have had a few too many cocktails (see final pic), but friends…it was one of the best getaways I’ve had in a long time. Sundara was so welcoming and relaxing that I know I’ll be coming back when they are finished with their expansion. – And again, please take my advice…book yourself a girls spa weekend, you’ll be ever so grateful when you do :)

Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells Girls Spa Weekend, Sundara Spa, Wisconsin Dells

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