Below are the individual Planners that include both digital JPG (for iPad Pro) AND printable PDF (8.5×11). To learn how to use them on the iPad Pro, you can read the POST HERE or the VIDEO HERE!
Blog Post Planner is designed for prepping two blog posts, which can include your main points, SEO, categories, design ideas, post date, and a checklist.
Social Media Planner includes 7 boxes to plan out your week of posts, along with what platform you are posting on, as well as ideas to post about.
The instagram Planner is perfect for researching and noting popular and targeted hashtags in your industry as well posting ideas.
Social statistics tracker can be used at the beginning and then the end of each month, to track you social media presence, followers, etc.
The daily planner is perfect for everyday use, includes a checklist, top 3, notes box, social media idea, and notes for tomorrow.
The weekly planner can be used to simplify what you want to accomplish everyday for a week, ending with the weekend!
Plan out your month ahead, starting with your monthly mantra, adding your budget, monthly goals, and items to fix!
Keep it simple and get shit done this year! Plan out your top to-do's each month and hang it up on your wall or put it in your planner!
For anyone in the design field (or beyond), use this consultation sheet to take notes and track your client projects!
Use this future goal planner for clients to fill out, or to use for yourself. Print it out, send it to your clients..and see if you hit your goals!
Because we all like to keep our binder consistent, use this Notes sheets for client projects, for your own binder, or to print out and use!