I thought I would share a new hairstyle that I tried today. I found it here at Keiko Lynn, I actually did mine a little different than hers. I teased my hair, pinned half of it up, split the unpinned hair into three sections, braided the two outside sections (braid it upright), and created the headband by bringing the braid across the top of my head. (I can tell my braids are different sizes, oops.) With the loose hair in the back I just put it into a messy low bun. I realized that almost every day I do my hair a different way..just like I did in high school. I started wondering if that is weird or not, I like to keep things exciting! And yes, I took a quick pic of my outfit today..I stepped quite a bit out of my norm and through a lot of color into the mix!.
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AHHH so cute!! I’m totally going to steal that hairstyle from you :)