
Moroccan Tile Inspired Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper

Happy APRIL!  This month is definitely one of my favorites months of the year (besides October and Halloween ;) – Here in Wisco so many great things happen (and even more so when I was in school and knowing classes were almost done). The weather starts to take a shift and very slowly we get […]

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Moroccan Tile Inspired Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper

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Happy APRIL!  This month is definitely one of my favorites months of the year (besides October and Halloween ;) – Here in Wisco so many great things happen (and even more so when I was in school and knowing classes were almost done). The weather starts to take a shift and very slowly we get to crack open our windows when it hits 45-50 degrees.  The Brewers are back..and Yelich is off to a freaking great start!  My tulips start to pop up, which are my favorite flower.  The scent of grilling and brats start to float around our neighborhood (the best scent ever).  And quite honestly, everyone just has an amazing attitude, especially when the sun is shining.  OH..and my birthday, Earth Day is my birthday and I couldn’t have asked for a better month and day :)

With that, I created some new Moroccan Tile inspired desktop & mobile wallpapers for you to adorn your tech with. Feel free to jump over to Lark & Linen to grab yours up!


Moroccan Tile Inspired Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper Moroccan Tile Inspired Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper Moroccan Tile Inspired Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper Moroccan Tile Inspired Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper


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