Showit Website
Template Customization

Launch a stylish, custom-like, Showit website in less than a month and for a fraction of the cost

The customization of your Showit template around your brand and style so your website can look and feel custom created.

you'll get

I understand that not everyone has the time nor the budget for a completely custom website design and build. My main goal for this project is to help you not only get your website up and launched quickly, but to make sure it looks and feels unique to you and your brand. You know I love a good transformation!!

It's as easy as...


proposal & homework

After the chat you'll get the proposal for the 1/2 deposit. Once paid, you'll receive links to your homework! *P.S. once you are done, you'll book your customization weeks!


fill out application

I want to hear a bit more about your needs, template, goals, etc. I have a little application below to help get you started.



book discovery call

Next, we'll hop on a 30 minute zoom to get to know each other better and talk design, priorities, timeframe, expectations, etc!

the Showit
Template Customization


The Full Customization Package

  • Add site settings, color & font settings, favicon, socials, etc
  • 2 Custom-designed pages of your choice
  • Implementation of your content into 6 pages
  • Tweaking interior pages to align with the custom pages
  • SEO optimization of your images and 8 pages
  • Embed your newsletter and enable a coming soon page
  • Blog testing and launch prep w/mockups
  • 7 Days of support

investment: $3,800

This top-tier package is for those who simply do not want to bother with Showit! We handle customizing/re-designing 2 pages of your choice as well as implementing your copy and images into an additional 6 pages of your choice. Although we don't customize/re-design those 6 pages, we will take care of adding that content for you and make sure they are cohesive with the 2 custom pages ;)

package no.1


The Mini Customization Package

  • Add site settings, color & font settings, favicon, socials, etc
  • 2 Custom-designed pages of your choice
  • Tweaking interior pages to align with custom pages
  • Embed your newsletter and enable a coming soon page
  • Blog testing and launch prep w/mockups

package no.2

This package is for those who want their website template to reflect them and their brand, but are confident in adding copy/images to the rest of the site. We handle customizing/re-designing 2 pages of your choice and although we don't customize any other pages, we will make sure they are cohesive with the 2 custom pages ;)

investment: $3,250

The Timeline


launch time!

Days 11-14 are dedicated to final testing and prepping for the launch! We'll enable the coming soon page and hand over the keys :)



Days 4 - 8 will be dedicated to developing the customization onto your account. This is the perfect time to connect your domain and transfer the blog.


site review

Once the development is done you'll need to review the custom pages and make sure everything is linked up! You'll receive the final invoice at this point.


let's design

The first 3 days will be spent designing your custom pages. You'll get 2 revisions on those pages.



Once you secure your project in the calendar and pay the deposit you'll get your homework folder and form! 


book your weeks

Once your copy & homework are submitted, you'll receive a link to schedule your 2 weeks for the customization!

*note* timeframe is not guaranteed, it depends on revisions and additional design needs.

seo & domain support

Package No.1 includes us prepping the pages with SEO, but we do require you to provide us with that information (page title, description, etc). If you need help with domain and tech, make sure to choose that option above too!

What's not included

color palette & fonts

This does not include a brand, logo, etc. We ask that you also have your brand, color palette, and font stack in place so we can easily update it on the template. If you have a logo, but not a color palette or dedicated fonts, we recommend choosing that option above ;) 


Sorry, we stick to what we know we are good at and unfortunately, that is not creative writing! BUT, we will provide you with some great recommendations! If hiring a copywriter, I recommend letting them see the template so they can get an idea of flow and text areas, especially if you want it to go with the flow of the pages.

gallery/press implementation

If you need help actually creating and updating your portfolio or galleries, that is done at our hourly rate. Depending on your needs and amount of galleries needed it could range from 3 - 5 hours. Press links and logos are also priced separately. We WILL do one gallery/portfolio and record the process for you if needed.

template & hosting

The template is sold separately, You can use the discount CUSTOM200 to take $200 off any of my FULL WEBSITE BUNDLES.  You will also have to purchase your domain, email & Showit subscription separately. Showit will help assist with the blog transfer. If you need our support it will be billed hourly.

package no.2 content implementation

We don't re-design/re-style the other pages on your site. Instead, once you add your copy, we will go in and tweak any elements to make sure it aligns with the 2 custom pages. If you want pages to be re-designed around your copy or want new canvases/sections created, that will be priced separately. 

P.S. Take a Peek at the Showit Templates I Recommend

and the one's I love to customize ;)