• Explain in one sentance
  • your elevator pitch: who you are, what you do, why you it
  • most important products/services? what products/services will never be offered? how customers would describe the brand? where it will be in 5 years?
  • (emotions, when visiting the website, seeing your logo, etc)
  • The reason why your company came to be? - Meaning behind the name? - How your product came to be What types of customers find value in working with your brand and why?
  • (quality, products, service, feel, etc)
  • Create a detailed profile of your ideal customer :: Clothing, income, music, friends, style, etc.
  • (customer service, relationship, quality, etc)

  • (Adjectives, patterns, design style, clothing stores you like, style of your home, etc.)
  • Include clothing, interiors, makeup, online, etc..
  • Check up to 10 that apply
  • Choose up to 10
  • Select colors that describe your style best.
  • ColorStory
  • Geometric, abstract, subtle, etc..